New Baby, Who dis?

While we’re THRILLED to have a new member of the Wine Press team (Hey baby Maya!) we are going to miss our WP Mom while she’s out. These are all of our favorite things about Jyoti. One-liners, all of the thoughtful things she does for us, and some of our favorite memories with her. We’re counting down the days ‘til she’s back! 

Our favorite memories… 

The first time I met Jyoti, she was around 7 months pregnant and giving Erik a hard time getting Thai food delivered when he could have walked across the street to get it. Iconic. – Kat 

I came in at the tail end of such a weird time, but I've never felt more accepted at a new job! Thank you, guys, for being amazing! – Erik 

Before Devin was born, we would catch Jyoti carry cases of wine and getting on ladders, very much pregnant. She almost gave us all a heart attack. We had to continuously remind her to, “Please stop!” I guess that’s what happens when you open a new shop and have your first child two months apart! – Mariana 

Just before I joined the team, I had lunch with Aaron and Jyoti. We were talking about what my role could be within the company and the kinds of things I was interested in. Jyoti must have thought I was playing hard-to-get because she stopped and asked excitedly, “Wait, so does this mean you want to come work with us?” Little did she know I was dying to work for them. Joke’s on you two, I definitely got the better end of the deal! – Chelsie  

Our favorite things about Jyoti…

Her hair always looks amazing... Like, how? 

Jyoti’s laughter! She's always laughing!  

Somehow, she remembers the little things and stories about you that just has a way of making you feel special. Seriously. She remembers EVERYTHING! Did you mention your mom’s birthday once? Did you tell her you’re allergic to mangos three years ago? She remembers! 

It's like there is some sort of sixth sense in play that allows her to cover all the angles and anticipate all the outcomes. We'll miss her 'no quarter' approach to certain situations that generally follow with a knowing look, a joke, and many laughs.

Best Quotes from Jyoti…

Colin: "Don't worry guys, I'm on it" is the reply you're most likely to hear from Jyoti in regard to any situation - ranging from ensuring our staff has the most up-to-date information on getting their COVID vaccines to ordering everyone something they enjoy for lunch.

Abby’s favorite: “Guys I wanted cookies, so we have cookies now” 

Chris’ fave (and all of ours): “What the FUCK is this, Aaron!?” Usually in reference to an order of wine Aaron went HAM on.

But Abby brings up a good point… “She’ll be texting us every day, anyway, so will she really be gone?” Of course not, she can’t help herself. She’s still on top of Upper Glass with Chelsie. And in between feedings and naptime, she’ll have her eye on us. But we can’t wait to have a G&T with her on the patio at Taberna de Haro! Counting down the days ‘til you’re back mom, we miss you already!


The easter bunny loves wine

