happy 10th Anniversary!

Wow. 10 years. First thing first, we want to thank the Brookline community for welcoming us with open arms and all your support over the years. Aaron and I are beyond lucky to feel the love from you all each and every day. 10 years ago, Aaron took over the store, we met one month later, and I got pulled into the business 6 months after that. I was hesitant at first because people always talk about the stress it can add to a relationship to work together - for us it is the opposite. We are great business partners and are very fortunate in that way to have made the last 10 years successful.

We celebrated last night (after almost forgetting) I got a bottle of Champagne into the fridge to pop with dinner with our two amazing children. Aaron tricked Devin into eating his whole meal while I held 2-month-old Maya with one arm and ate with the other. We raised a toast to the last decade and we each picked 5 things were most proud of from wine press (I tricked Aaron into doing it for this blog post - but so I’m so glad I did!). These are special things that may seem silly to some, but they mean the world to us.  


Our Team - We have the strongest team we have ever had. We are truly a family. 

Our Signs - everyone loves the signs in Brookline, they make our store so personal and allow us to tell a story about the wines. These started with Aaron cutting foam core and gluing chalk paper to it - then we got fancy with acrylic. Version 3.0 is about to come out and we can’t wait! 

The tasting note library - it’s always been Aarons dream to have tasting notes on all our wines in one place. We now finally have that (thanks Chelsie!).

The industry folks that love our stores - for Aaron is downright flattering. When the people we look up to in the industry walk through the doors to shop at our stores it makes us blush, every time. 

The Community - We can’t say enough how lucky we feel to be a part of the Brookline and Fenway communities. We feel the love each and every day.


Upper Glass - Upper Glass is my baby and I am so proud of it. Meeting new curators each month, discovering new wines and finding people new favorites. It never gets old, and each month is just as fun as the last. 

Our Industry friends - what Aaron said. it is such a great feeling when the people you respect the most in our industry come to shop at our stores, it really does make us blush!

Making the best of the pandemic - Were we scared? Yes. Did the community check in with us constantly and support us? Yes. Did our team band together and support each other in every single way possible? Hell yes. Did we grow as business owners? Absolutely. 

The website - We always wanted a website but never got it done. Then March 2020 hit, and we had no choice, pushed by an amazing customer turned friend turned consultant (thank you Garner!) we got it done!

Our team - I’ll say this over and over. We are no one without our team and we thank each and every one of them for all their hard work. Our team is the glue that holds it all together. We are truly a family.

Cheers to 10 years everyone!


We miss you already!


Champagne & Kettle Chips