Tales from the press

I have a favorite Fenway customer who asks for recommendations in the best way. He asks for wine based on his mood or whatever activities he’s doing. He doesn’t say, “I’m having fish tonight, what should I get?” He walks in and tells me, “I’d like a wine that makes me think” or “I’d like a wine to go with a long night of Netflix” or “I’m going to be up for a while studying, and I’d like something to keep me company, what would you suggest?”

If you want to be my best friend, start asking for recommendations the same way. Because truthfully, this is how we like to pair wine. Sure, we can give you the technical breakdown of tasting notes so you know exactly what you’re getting. But we want to know how you want to feel

If someone comes in looking for a wine to go with pasta, here’s what goes through our heads…

What kind of pasta?

What kind of sauce? Red, white, pink?

Are you having a salad?

Are you sharing your meal with someone?

Are you planning on finishing the bottle tonight?

Do you need some of the wine to cook with?

After a busy day of recommending wines, I have gone home and thought to myself, I should have suggested an Arneis to that person instead of that Grüner… It sticks in my head and like a rock stuck in my shoe and continues to bother me until the next time I see them.

We need to know what kind of experience you’re creating so we know exactly which wine is going to match your mood. Even if it’s only for your weeknight pizza, we know that every experience at the table (or sofa) can be made better with a great bottle of wine. And we know this because enjoying food and wine is really the only thing we care about. 


How to Drink French


Tasting 101