Pairing things down

I need a wine to pair with…

Pizza, pork chops, sashimi, lamb curry. I love listening to the end of that sentence and finding out what you’re all having for dinner. And it really is fun helping you choose your wine for the night. But even we get overwhelmed by the (literally) hundreds of choices on our shelves. 

When I began talking customers through wines, describing flavors and textures I saw faces glaze over and I could tell I was losing their attention. I soon came up with a series of questions that would ensure everyone went home with the right bottle. 

I think the reason this work so well is because everyone’s answers are different, so I hardly ever find myself recommending the same wine twice. 

Let’s use salmon as an example. A potentially tricky pairing because the common misconception is that one should only drink white wine with fish. But this is why we need to know how it is going to be prepared. Let’s say you’re grilling. 

So, would you like a red or a white wine?

If red, you’re probably looking for something on the lighter side. Yes! 

Do you prefer a wine with a little texture, that dries out your mouth when you take a sip? Or would you like something a little softer, a little juicier? Juicier. 

Great. Do you tend to enjoy wines that are a little fruitier or perhaps a little earthier, something a little savory? I think something earthier. 

Perfect. From what it sounds like, I think any of these three wines would work for you. The Puszta Libre is cushy but there’s something salty about it. On the nose, it’s almost like I can smell freshly shaved prosciutto. It’s such a great wine. 

The Combe, Trousseau is one of the friendliest wines we carry. If you chill it down about half an hour before you serve it, it’s really going to punch up the freshness. A little thyme, a little cranberry. It’s one of our favorite light reds. 

The Koehler Ruprecht is one of my favorites wines to recommend because I think people have preconceived notions about what Pinot Noir should taste like. This wine surprises people every time. It has unexpected depth for the price. You’ll wish you grabbed two bottles. 

These small anthropological experiments are so fun. And I find it makes everyone’s experience more fun, including mine. I’ve often admitted that, if not stopped, I could continue row by row giving a spiel for each and every wine. But that is way too overwhelming, unless we’re all bored and it’s a slow day in the shop. 

So the next time you find yourself in need of a fun pairing for dinner, stop by one of our shops, tell us what you’re cooking and see what we come up with. Cheers!


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